Plan now ! Why?

The man who had once been one of the richest industrialists in India, is currently living in a rented accommodation in Mumbai, according to Economic Times. According to reports, his lawyers claimed Singhania did not own a car or driver. His lawyer Dinyar Madon reportedly told the court that the 78-year-old gave up Raymond shares worth around Rs 1000 crore in his son’s favour only to be left alone, fending for himself.

Plan today,tomorrow might be late.

        Plan today to maintain the same standard of living in old age.


 Purchase Insurance today when it is cheap, tomorrow might be expensive.

        Head of family has to pay very little for life insurance policy, 
but if the family has to pay for it cost a danger deal.

        Life insurance is a greatest expression of love to your family.

        Purchase life insurance it gives guarantee of known sum at unknown time.

        Life insurance taken in Good Times will support you even in bad times. 

        Lack of proper insurance cover will make a very big difference to your family when  they have no financial support.

       You should be insured as per your family liability.

        Would you like to be dependent in your old age?

        Think for your family as well as your old age.

        Who will provide the same living standard to your family in your absence?

        Insure for child secure future.

        Today you will pay less; tomorrow you have to pay more.

        Only life insurance guarantees to provide money to you or to your family in any  eventualities.

        Who will look after you in your old age? Don’t wait to decide till you become old.

        Life insurance covers your life as well as creates wealth for you.

        Food, clothing & shelter are the basic need of life; your family will need them even if you  are not there.

         Life insurance means education, Food, clothing & shelter for your family.

        Life insurance means fund for old age, protection against creditors, tax relief, and income tax exemption.

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